A Super Stock “Savard-ian Spin-o-Rama” 

New Brunswick’s Wendell Howes showed how to do it but he certainly would not recommend it….following a high-speed antic during last weekend’s NHRA Super Nationals…

The popular driver of the Howes Racing ‘68 Hemi Barracuda SS/AH went for a pretty wild ride during Super Stock qualifying action.  His extremely potent and highly valued machine (+$200G) did a top end 360 degree spin – twice – during time trials.

Incredibly through a combination of driver skill and also some good fortune his car did not collect either guard wall.


“I’m really not sure why – but I think I got into a bit of oil on the track,” Wendell reflected,  “I went through the traps – shut the car off – and put it in neutral.  All of a sudden it weaved side to side and I tried not to overcorrect — but it came round two times.” 

“It was really a nasty reminder for me that you always need to pay attention – even when you are just calming down the car after a run.” 

Wendell had all four of this tires blow out during the incident but there was no other damage and he was able to continue on at the event.  “Tires are a lot cheaper then body work and paint,” he added. 

Posted by:  Bruce Biegler