Can-Am Stock/Super Stock Wraps Season with Celebration
On November 9th, the Can-Am Series held its annual awards banquet, and ushered in a new era, by putting together a top quality evening event….
On a night when we celebrated the achievements of our racers and congratulated this season’s champion, Glen Baker, the ceremonies themselves almost stole the spotlight. After a delicious dinner, We got down to business, and along with the top 15 in points being awarded their cash and merchandise, several other special awards and draws took place.
- The Dan the Sign Man entry award (5 free entries for next season) was won by JR Taylor.
- The most improved driver when to Steve Sack.
- The Queenston Group, and more specifically, Dan Velenosi, handed out the race winners leather jackets. This year, Chuck Nagy, Dave Drewett, Bob Park, Glen Baker and Dan Velenosi accounted for all 10 of the wins at points races.
- The winner of the Can-Am custom helmet was Chris Hadler.
100% of the money raised from this draw will go back to the series to help support next year’s races. Special thanks to Dilts Piston Hydraulics, Dan the Sign Man, Scott Jahren Custom Paint, andFast Eddie Racewear for their donations and contributions to make this happen.
And obviously, let’s congratulate Dan, his wife Lynn, Amanda and Anne-Marie, for the incredible job putting the together the banquet. After many months of long hours and hard work, I think it is safe to say they provided their fellow racers with something to be proud of and enjoy. Another big thank you to Fred and Betsy for their yearlong work gathering sponsors and the donated prizes for us, the racers to have at the banquet.
Let’s all have a safe and productive winter. Stay tuned for information about some dinners and nights out over the next few months.
I will leave you with a quote I read not long ago: ” “No other person knows the true length of winter, more than a man with a race car in the garage”.
Spring will be here sooner than you think, see you at the track…..Frank
Photos and Posting by: Can-Am Stock/SS Series