That pesky leaded fuel concern for racing applications in Canada has now been addressed.  Final Legislation has passed for an amendment to the gasoline regulations — details of which are outlined below:

In fall 2009, Environment Canada consulted stakeholders on a proposal to amend the Gasoline Regulations to allow the use of leaded gasoline in competition vehicles.  Proposed amendments were then published in Part I of the Canada Gazette on April 3, 2010, for a formal 60-day public comment period that was required before final publication.

The Gasoline Regulations have now been amended to allow for the production, import and sale of leaded gasoline for use in competition vehicles.

The amendments have been registered and are in effect.  The amendments will be added to the Orders in Council database in the coming days and publication will follow shortly thereafter in Canada Gazette, Part II.  Information is available at:

The amendments to the Gasoline Regulations state the following:


      1. Subsection 3(2) of the Gasoline Regulations is replaced by the following:

      (2) These Regulations, except for sections 2 and 11, do not apply in respect of gasoline for use in competition vehicles.


      2. These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.


Leif Stephanson
Manger, Fuels Section
Oil, Gas and Alternative Energy Division
Environment Canada

Tel.: 819-953-4673