NPW Karbelt Enhances Customer Care Staff with Addition of Eastern Canadian Outside Sales Manager…
National Performance Warehouse’s Canadian VP of Sales and Promotions Kevin Dundas announces the addition of Paul Polly to the sales team of Karbelt.
A veteran of many years in the aftermarket, he brings with him experiences acquired as a consultant, manufacturer’s rep, and award winning sales associate for several WD’s. Mr. Polly’s background and relationships are expected to enhance and grow the Companies eastern Canadian sales.
Mr. Polly has extensive experience in jobber/installer sales, store merchandising and training.
Polly is well known by the jobbers and rep agencies and has served in many capacities with the industry’s largest Canadian distributors.
Poly will take to the roads at NPW’s Karbelt Ajax facility starting December 1st.
Mr. Polly can be reached at 905-692-9696 or at