This weekend’s BC Classic & Custom Car Show will include a return to Canada for one of drag racing’s biggest legends…
We are very pleased to announce the special ‘Guest Of Honour’ at the 2016 BC Classic & Custom Car Show, Friday to Sunday, April 15 to 17 at the Tradex in Abbotsford, is none other than 4-time NHRA Nitro Funny Car World Champion, Don ‘The Snake’ Prudhomme!
Nicknamed the ‘Snake’ early in his racing career, Don Prudhomme was the very first NHRA Nitro Funny Car driver to break the 5-second ET barrier in 1975 and the first to bust the 250 mph speed barrier in 1982. In addition to their many individual drag racing accomplishments, the Mattel Hot Wheel- sponsored ‘Snake & Mongoose’ team of Don ‘The Snake’ Prudhomme and Tom ‘The Mongoose’ McEwen were by far the most famous match race rivalry in the history of racing. It’s been over 25 years since the ‘Snake’ visited Canada (he last competed in the Top Fuel class at the 1990 ‘Le Grandnational’ in Montreal) and we are very happy to bring this iconic drag racing legend to British Columbia for the enjoyment of his many loyal Canadian race fans.
2016 will mark the 50th anniversary of the National Hot Rod Association’s Nitro Funny Car class and in recognition of this important milestone, we will be screening the 2013 movie ‘Snake & Mongoose’ on location at the Car Show Friday night April 15, starting at 9pm, immediately following the ‘Fuel & Fire’ feature at 8pm when we ‘fire-up’ several front-engine Nitro-powered Dragsters and two Jet Funny Cars! Drag racing fans will get a special treat when the ‘Snake’ himself provides the introduction to the movie and takes a few questions from the audience. There is no extra charge to join us for the movie (just pay the regular spectator entry fee) but we do recommend that you get to the show early (doors open at 5pm on Friday night) as we expect it to be a full house. If you’re a nostalgic nitro drag racing fan … then you’ll want to BE THERE!
Fans will also be able to purchase autographed DVD copies of the movie and limited edition ‘Snake’ T-Shirts along with all kinds of ‘Snake’ memorabilia at his booth on Saturday and Sunday only. And don’t forget to bring your camera so you and your friends can get a photo with the ‘Snake’.
For more Car Show information, please call 604.539.7223 or visit:
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