Eastern Canadian drag racers chased coveted NHRA Wallys recently in scenic New Brunswick…

For the 3rd consecutive season, Miramichi Dragway played host to a National Open status event which showcased some of that area’s best Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series racers during the NHRA Northeast PC Richard.com Division One presentation.

The 2018 date was once again a double header affair, with 5 NHRA Wallys on the line on both Friday and Saturday.  Also on Sunday there was five additional classes of racing too as the ADRA (Atlantic Drag Racing Association) as well as Miramichi Dragway’s own track points championship chases continued.

Racers started arriving on Wednesday and by Friday there was 35 Stock Super-Stock racers on site and ready for action. When qualifying was completed it was Guy Desjarins with his SS/EA ’69 Camaro that claimed top spot 9.15  pass on a 10.35 index. Local hot shoe, Jeremy Keans from Brooklyn, Nova Scotia was qualified second with his 1983 Camaro. His time was 10.97 on a 12.15 index.

NHRA’s National Open at Miramichi Dragway showcased a field of high quality Lucas Oil classed racers.

With over 200 racers on site, the track crew in Miramichi kept the show flowing really well in anticipation of some very exciting late day racing. Along with the Stock/Super-Stock Combo racing, there was a Top Sportsman-Top Dragster combo as well as the 10.90 Super-Street, 9.90 Super-Gas, and 8.90 Super Comp in competition.

As we settled into round 6 in the Stock Super-Stock final, Guy Desjardins Camaro would line up against the #15 qualifier, Tommy Coughlan from Renous, New Brunswick with his 88 Mustang C/CM. This race was pretty much settled on the start line with Desjardins missing the tree and Tommy Coughlan claiming his first NHRA Wally.

Tommy Coughlan from Renous, NB won the event’s first Stock/SS Combo with his super clean ’88 Mustang C/CM

In Top-Sportsman-Top Dragster combo final, Dave Anthony of Mount Pearl, Newfoundland claimed his second NHRA Wally with his victory over Lynn Cormier’s very impressive Castrol Corvette.

Ashley Walker won Best Appearing car with her Super Comp dragster.

The Super-Comp final would have veteran New Brunswick racer, Mark Green claim his first Wally with his victory 0ver Ashley Walker and her “Best Appearing” dragster.

In Super-Gas, Vito Bosca driving his Camaro would defeat Benny Niesten in the close 10.90 battle. Bosca was the event’s 2017 defending champion, and is always a tough competitor.

Defending 2017 event champion Vito Bosca won in S/G 9.90 competition.

The last battle of day one would pit two very well-known PEI racers, Bruce Howatt driving his 68 Road-Runner was to race Brent Ramsay from Wellington, PEI. Unfortunately Howatt was over-come with a serious health condition and was in transit to hospital while Ramsay took a solemn single pass while thinking about his friend.

Day two was a repeat of blistering hot weather conditions of day one, and 34 Stock Super-Stock entries made their qualifying runs. When the dust settled, the same two names were at the top of the list once again. Desjardins #1  followed by Keans #2. In the final round, it would #2 qualifier Jeremy Keans that would face #15 qualifier Rudy Costenaro. For Costenaro, it was a treat to make it to the finals in only his third event with his FJ Smith-built 2000 Firebird. This race was also settled at the start line with Costenaro claiming his victory after Keans lit the red bulb.

Racing his FJ Smith-prepped Firebird – Rudy Costenaro prevailed to win Saturday’s Stock/Super Stock Combo event.

The Top-Sportsman Top Dragster combo would see the Brian Toombs Corvette from PEI lined up against the Doug Wrathal dragster from Sydney, Nova Scotia – with Toombs prevailing.

Super-Comp finals had Glenn MacLean from Hunter River, PEI claim his second Wally with his victory over Jim Green’s blown alcohol Bantem.

Glenn MacLean raced Jim Green in Saturday’s S/C final round.

In Super-Gas racer Danny Walker in his Firebird defeated Robert Hogan and his Camaro in the finals.

Saturday’s Super-Street title run was once again an all PEI affair as Brett Ramsay would race Charles Coughlin. Pretty special cause both racers also compete with beautiful black Camaro’s and are well known all around the Maritimes. At the stripe it would be Ramsay claiming his second NHRA Wally in as many days.

Saturday’s S/ST title run was an all PEI affair with Brett Ramsay facing Charles Coughlin

There was a long list of new NHRA class records set too — and that included Mark Howes who lowered the SS/KA mark to 10.10 secs and also Brian Howes resetting the SS/CA standard to 8.80 secs.

Some great track prep provided for a  number of new NHRA national records to be set – including a new SS/KA “mark for Mark” (Howes)!

…..and finally Kudos are directed to the track crew in Miramichi for providing not only a terrific track surface but also overall a terrific event.

Post and Photos by Gerard “Indy” Bryden