Castrol Raceway’s very successful Top Eliminator Club continues to roll with aggressive racing operations this season….

The Top Eliminator circuit, which was first established back in 2006, will see it’s 2016 schedule include a marquee annual and very lucrative for racers, “Big Buck” event this coming July 2-3rd.


“This will be our 8th year hosting this event and each year the car counts have been growing with last year reaching the club record of 78 cars,” stated Top Eliminator Club racer/coordinator Rob White.

“The Top Eliminator club runs on Top Dragster/Top Sportsman rules with only a few exceptions,” he continued. “The maximum dial inis 8.90 (secs) and racers have the option to run two separate cars. An engine diaper is manditory to participate.”


The Big Buck event will see the club run two separate races over the weekend and guarantees a payout of $7500 for each winner.  Payouts increase as the car counts increase.  There is also a planned barbecue and driver auction on the Saturday night (July 2nd).

Club president Bob Ebertz added, “With the US dollar being so strong in value we are expecting to see a lot more American teams traveling up to our races this season. For our July holiday weekend feature I expect a record car count.”

The Top Eliminator club was first founded by the Ebertz brothers Bob and Gord from Edmonton Alberta. Since it’s initial single race experiment about a decade ago, the group has evolved into Castrol Raceway’s most prominent single series with point’s races now held over 10 weekends a year. Each of those weekends are “double header” affairs with guaranteed payouts of $5000.00 to the winner. The club attracts and features a great variety of dragsters, roadsters, altered and door cars.


More information on the great series visit:

Post and photos by Bruce Biegler