Cowie Recovery Update — Rolling Right Direction
Here is the lastest we have received on the Shawn Cowie situation from the hospital in Nashville….
It appears that things are now teetering towards the positive. This update was sent to us from Bill & Shirleen Moore from the race team.
Hi Bruce, got this from Nik (Duperon – Shawn’s Brother-in-Law) today…
DAY 4 Update ! 🙂 Surgery on Shawns left leg is complete
and all is great! Docs words ‘Marathon Surgery’ is scheduled for
Monday the 18th, A Team of trauma surgeons and a plastic surgeon are
going to be focusing all of they’re attention on his right leg, with
muscle grafts on the right knee , repair on Right ankle and foot
will also be attended to, Docs words ‘This could be the last of
surgery from the waist down’ Doc is VERY confident that his right leg
WILL be saved!! Going in to this particular surgery the team of
Doctors are aware of Shawns involvement in Racing and how imperative
it is for him to have usage of both legs waist to toe! As well in the
doctors words taking that in to consideration ‘I will treat this
patient as if he were one of my own family members’ he has had
multiple meetings with other surgeons and specialist and have brain
stormed ideas and avenues of what ever it takes and what ever they can
do to eliminate the possibility of amputation! Keep fighting this
Shawn/// Nik….
Sounds like all our wishes and prayers are making Nashville a positive
place these days! Thanks again, Bill and Shirleen Moore
Again for all racing fans out there – Best Wishes can be sent at this time to Shawn at: