Latino On the Comeback Trail

Eric Latino

Eric Latino

Eric Latino who endured a truly frightening incident in testing immediately prior to the PMRA event at Cayuga last month is on the comeback trail.   He highly potent “Team Green” Pro Mod Camaro (based from Whitby Ontario) has now had it’s damage evaluated and the comeback process has begun.

“I’ve recovered from a minor sprained ankle,” Eric confided.  “The car was taken back to G-Force Race Cars.  The right upper and lower frame rail was untouched but the left lower and upper has been replaced.  G-Force builds these cars so you can easily slide in a new section.   The front end is being mounted this week and we hope to get the car back this week too so we can send the chassis out for powder coating and at the same time get the body repainted.”

“Right now we hope to be ready for Norwalk (NHRA Nationals),” he added.  “The setback was tough on us because we had to use up all the funds we had set aside for NHRA national event expenses to repair the car — but hopefully we can still complete the season.”

Posted by:  Bruce Biegler