Saskatchewan International Raceway celebrated it’s Golden Anniversary recently with a very memorable drag racing event…

The storied facility, which is just south of Saskatoon and which is located pretty much in the geographical centre of Canada hosted it’s 50th Anniversary Celebratory event between August 17-20th. Both the racer and fan base from across Western Canada (and the north central USA) ascended to the track to provide a truly remarkable event – much to the delight of the event organizers (the Saskatchewan Drag Racing Association).

SIR-Sky SIR-Sign

Fans were treated to a record car count (in excess of 275 registered entries) that included over 30 feature cars which made both exhibition runs and/or were involved in competition.

The event kicked off with a Street Legal Shootout race (Wednesday) then a Show & Shine including live band and social (Thursday) followed by two extensive days of racing on Friday and Saturday.


Both racer and fan responses was impressive at SIR's 50th anniversary event!

Both racer and fan response was impressive at SIR’s 50th anniversary event!

The event allowed the many new attending racers to see for the first time a great many enhancements that have been made to the SIR track and facility recently. And the event included a very special pre-race presentation to the Howard family who played an instrumental part and who were cornerstones in the race track’s long history.

The Howard Family received some very special and deserved recognition!

The Howard Family received some very special and deserved recognition!

The on-track drag racing action was fast and furious throughout the weekend – under near perfect racing conditions.

Edmonton’s Wade Sjostrom propelled his supercharged ’57 Chevy to both new track records (ET and MPH) and also the event’s overall Pro Mod title. Wade topped the injected nitrous assisted Camaro raced by Perry Thyr (Drayton Valley AB) in that class’s final round. Also winning feature car titles were Albertans Shayne Reykdal in the separately run 6.99 index Pro Nostalgia class and Cory Kincaid in the 7.50 Pro Nostalgia class features.

Long time Western Canadian Pro Mod racer Wade Sjostrom wheeled his 57 Chevy to the Pro Mod title!

Long time Western Canadian Pro Mod racer Wade Sjostrom wheeled his 57 Chevy to the Pro Mod title!


The Pro Nostalgia Index titles went to Shane Reykdal (top) and Cory Kincaid - who are both from Alberta.

The Pro Nostalgia Index titles went to Shane Reykdal (top) and Cory Kincaid – who are both from Alberta.

The event’s well attended Fastest Street Car Shootout title went to a super cool ’57 Chevy raced by Lethbridge’s Lloyd Bosch who hit a final round 7.50 secs at 201.43 mph to win over Regina’s Mike Bujaczeh and his Chevy Nova.

Lethbridge's Lloyd Bosch won the Fastest Street Car Shootout eliminator.

Lethbridge’s Lloyd Bosch won the Fastest Street Car Shootout eliminator.

A dramatic field of area ET Bracket racers were on hand with wins going to Saskatoon’s own Dean Boire and his Corvette in Super Pro – over a 45 car field, and to Barry Stettner (Regina) in Pro ET over 74 other class entires. Kylee Montour (Warman SK) won in Sportsman, Todd Penn (Saskatoon SK) scored in Sports Compact and Amada Jacek-Flaman (Regina) won the Street Legal category.



Super Pro went to Dean Boire’s Corvette (top) and Pro to Barry Stettner’s Camaro – both from Saskatchewan.

The event’s Junior Dragster title winners were Levi Macintosh in Junior Lightning and Caprice Harder in Junior Thunder.

DragRaceCanada offers it’s congratulations to SIR 50th Anniversary event organizer Murray McDonald and the entire SDRA commitee, SIR track manager Shawn “Skippy” Zezula, track photographer and media contact Blair Alderton, and to the long list of supporting sponsors for presenting such a successful overall event and for making us feel so welcome during our visit!


Both of Brad Janishewki's "Fire for Hire" Jet cars were on had for the SIR 50th race!

Both of Brad Janishewki’s “Fire for Hire” Jet cars were on hand for the SIR 50th race!

DragRaceCanada will also post a SIR 50th Anniversary Event Photo Extra – watch for that – coming soon!

Post and photos by Bruce Biegler