A special and limited edition offer from one of the most successful Sportsman drag racers on our particular planet….
From Luke Bogacki – NHRA Sportsman and ET Bracket racer extraordinaire.
*Drum Roll* please!…. I am proud to announce the new ThisIsBracketRacing.com! We’ve kept this project under wraps for almost a year, but the result is a completely new home and representation of what we do at This Is Bracket Racing. The new site is much more user-friendly and contains a TON of new content.
To encourage you to check out our new site, we’re offering ONE FREE TRAINING (video or written) to anyone that visits our site: ThisIsBracketRacing.com. Just click “Start Here” on the homepage. Check out the video below for an inside look:
Have you been considering joining ThisIsBracketRacing ELITE?
Now is the time — open enrollment ends December 14, and we won’t be accepting any new members for several months. If you’re serious about becoming a better racer in 2019, join us today.
If you experience any issues — email your question to: accounts@thisisbracketracing.com