Photo highlights from a nice pre-season tradition for the Eastern Canadian drag racing scene….

Reputed Canadian drag racing historian (and CDRHF member) Rob Potter and his business partner Tony Hayes presented the 6th edition Drag Strip Memories show last week.

The one day event, which admission into helps to raise funds for the spectacular Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum (Mt. Hope ON) does provide many winter weary Canadian racers and fans with somewhat of a kickstart for the upcoming drag racing season.

All visitors are provided with a very unique opportunity to mingle with an ultra cool mixture of vintage drag racing and aviation pieces – all under one roof.

The 2019 Drag Strip Memories Show featured 50+ vehicles on display, included some very famous and influential car clubs and  Canadian racing names as well as many memorabilia vendors — all of which provided opportunity for fans to step back in time for just a bit.

“Each year our event gains momentum and has more of a buzz,” said Rob Potter. “This year we had a good cross section of cars – from nostalgia to new.  Our show emphasizes Canadian history content — put simply — that’s what we do.”

Drag Strip Memories Show organizers – Tony Hayes and Rob Potter

Post and photo gallery by Bruce Biegler

Link to the official Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum site: HERE