Expos Offers Trio of Educational Seminars 
The Motor City Hot Rod & Racing Expo comes to Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, MI on March 22-23.  In addition to a show hall full of over 100 of the most recognizable manufacturers and service providers in hot rodding and motorsports, the Expo will also host a trio of drag racing educational seminars on Saturday, March 22….
The seminar schedule will begin with Advanced Product Design’s John Kyle, as he presents a drag racing discussion particularly for .90 index racers.  His seminar, titled “Basic throttle stop tuning tips,” begins at 11:00.
Crew Chief Pro’s Don Higgins will follow at 3:00 with another drag racing themed seminar.  Higgins, whose Crew Chief Pro Software has become a mainstay in sportsman drag racing, will present a seminar titled “The effects of weather on performance.”
The seminar schedule will conclude with Phillip Vickous of Quickfuel Technologies, who will present a seminar titled “Carburetor Selection & Alternative Fuels” at 4:00.
All seminars are FREE with admission to the Motor City Hot Rod & Racing Expo, and will be seated on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Admission to the Motor City Hot Rod & Racing Expo is just $10 for adults; $5 for kids 6-12; and children 5 and under are free.  For more information, visit www.MotorCityRaceExpo.com.